There are certain types of insurance almost everyone needs, including car insurance if you own a vehicle. It can protect you and other drivers if you get into an accident or your vehicle is damaged or stolen. When you apply for car insurance, the company will ask for your driver’s license number. But if you don’t have a driver’s license, it’s still possible to get the coverage you need. Here’s how.
Key Takeaways
- Though some insurers may turn you away, it’s possible to get car insurance without a driver’s license.
- You may need to list someone else in your household as the vehicle’s primary driver to get coverage.
- If you don’t plan for anyone to drive the car, look into a parked car policy.
Why You Might Need Car Insurance Even Without a License
Car insurance can provide financial protection if your vehicle is involved in an accident. Even if you don’t have a driver’s license, there are still several reasons you could need to buy car insurance. For example, you may need your vehicle covered if:
- You have your learner’s permit and are working toward getting your driver’s license but aren’t on a parent’s or other person’s policy.
- Your spouse or another member of your household drives your vehicle on a regular basis, and they don’t have car insurance.
- You’re unable to drive because of a health issue, and someone else drives you in your car when you need to go out.
- You don’t have a health issue that prevents you from driving, but you still choose to rely on a personal driver for your car.
- You don’t drive but own a collectible or vintage vehicle that you’d like to have covered by insurance. Some insurance companies offer specialized classic car insurance for this purpose.
Those are all scenarios in which car insurance would be necessary even if you’re not getting behind the wheel. Without car insurance coverage, you’re at risk of having to pay out of pocket for damages or repairs associated with an accident, including injuries to other people.
Driving without car insurance can result in fines and even jail time in some states.
How to Get Car Insurance Without a Driver’s License
If you don’t have a driver’s license but need car insurance, there are several things you can do to get your vehicle covered. Those include:
Find another primary or principal driver
The easiest approach is to list someone else as the primary or principal driver on the policy. That person must have a valid driver’s license or learner’s permit.
A primary or principal driver is the person who will be driving the vehicle that’s insured. That can be a:
- Spouse
- Child
- Sibling
- Caretaker
- Roommate
- Parent
- Or anyone else who plans to drive the vehicle
By listing someone else as the primary or principal driver, you’re telling the insurance company that you won’t be taking the wheel. That can provide some reassurance if the insurer is worried about you possibly getting in an accident while driving without a license. This could make it easier to be approved for a policy and avoid paying steep premiums for coverage.
Exclude yourself as a driver on the policy
If the insurance company is still reluctant to cover you, even when you’ve named someone else as the primary driver, there’s another option for getting car insurance: You can ask to be listed as an excluded driver on the policy.
Being an excluded driver means that if you do happen to drive the car, your car insurance policy won’t cover you or pay any claims associated with an accident.
If you decide to exclude yourself, that may persuade the car insurance company to cover the vehicle based on the primary driver’s driving history. Keep in mind that the rates you’ll pay for insurance will depend on the primary driver’s record. So as you choose a primary driver, try to pick someone who has a clean driving history free of accidents or tickets.
Get a parked car policy instead
Another possibility for getting car insurance without a driver’s license is to purchase a “parked car,” or “storage,” policy. This type of coverage protects your vehicle against damages that may occur when the car is parked and assumes that it is not driven on a regular basis.
For example, the policy may cover you against risks such as:
- Theft or vandalism
- Fire
- Flooding and water damage
- Falling objects
The upside is that a car insurance company may not be as concerned that you don’t have a driver’s license if you’re getting this type of coverage. And it may be less expensive than a traditional car insurance policy with liability and collision coverage.
Can You Get Car Insurance With a Suspended License?
Getting your driver’s license suspended means that you can’t legally drive, but it doesn’t necessarily eliminate the need for car insurance. If your license has been suspended because of a DUI or DWI or a serious accident, you may need car insurance to get it reinstated.
Specifically, your car insurance company may need to submit an SR-22 form on your behalf to prove that you have insurance. This document verifies that you have the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage required by your state.
You can ask your current car insurance company to provide one of these forms and attach it to your policy. However, if your carrier drops your coverage, you’ll need to shop around to find a new insurer who will write an insurance policy and issue the SR-22 form.
Keep in mind that if your license has been suspended, you might be labeled a high-risk driver. That can make it more difficult to find a car insurance company that’s willing to work with you. And if you’re able to find coverage, you may face much higher premium rates than you would if your license hadn’t been suspended.
The Bottom Line
Getting car insurance without a driver’s license can be more difficult than if you have one, but it’s not impossible. When researching car insurance options, be prepared to offer someone else’s name as the primary driver. Also, take time to compare policy rates across insurers, especially if you need an SR-22, to make sure you’re getting the lowest price possible.